Editing Process: Video (After Finishing Editing)

As a group we have finally finished editing, meaning that our editing process has been completed, below is a video wherein we describe the changes that have gone on since our last editing post. Within the video we give details on the effects which have been added during the last of our editing, including the further use of the ‘Graphic Effect’ as well as the continuation of using the ‘Hard Light’ and ‘Cartoon’ effect.

As we have completed our editing process, following this post shall be our final music video. Similarly to the last editing process video we have commented on various shots and shown on screen how we have used the effects available within ‘Final Cut Pro’ to finish the editing of our music video.

The main points mentioned within this video were:

  • Now that editing is practically finished we decided to show the rest of our music video (from the second chorus onwards until the end of the song) showing the rest of editing since the previous post, to give a quick insight into the overall visual appearance of our music video and the style of the shots as a collective piece.
  • We have therefore now ordered all shots in the correct way which could be seen through the second verse, chorus, bridge and third verse and chorus. Thus showing the common links and overall visual style which we aimed to maintain through our specific choice and ordering of shots.
  • The ‘Graphic’ effect first seen in the second verse has also been repeated, as within the final chorus the protagonist returned to the characters he interacted with in verse 1 and 2 to complete our narrative. Therefore in keeping with the previously used visual style we applied the ‘Graphic’ effect to create the black and white style of the shots.
  • One effect we have used multiple times within the entirety of our music video is the over laying of shots. Specifically we showed an example of the protagonist walking past himself 3 different times. This shot is found within the bridge of the song and shows the protagonist in his third costume once again moving the narrative on, as after each verse the protagonist changes costume. These 3 shots were overlaid successfully as the camera was placed and stayed in same position during the filming of each individual shot, however to see each version simultaneously we had to change the ‘opacity’. Giving the illusion that the protagonist appears simultaneously on screen multiple times. This same method was used for each shot that features this effect.
  • Additionally we also editing some of our footage by changing the speed of the shots, (for example by speeding them up) this was done on one particular shot within the third verse, as shown within the video above, as initially the protagonist walked too slowly past the camera, therefore to combat this problem we sped up this clip allowing it to fit the timing of our editing (making cuts, mainly, every 1.13 seconds).
  • Another effect we used commonly during our editing process was reversing certain shots. In the example given the shot is first shown the original way round and then reversed, to create visually an effect which we believe is engaging for the audience and interesting to watch, the example given shows our protagonist dancing down a slope.

(The slope however appears level as the camera is tiled to create a strange effect as the protagonist who was, when filmed, standing up straight appears to be leaning to an angle, footage taken from this specific location has been used in multiple parts of our music video to enhance the visual style and elements of disjuncture)

  • There are also narrative shots within the entirety of our music video, it is significant to state that since the last editing process video our creative choices has still involved using narrative shots within the verses to maintain the theme of a both narrative and disjuncture video. This can be seen within the third verse as the protagonist is watching TV, as described within the lyrics. Furthermore disjuncture shots have also been continually used, although majorly within the 12 second bridge creating continuity throughout our music video.
  • It is also mentioned that although our editing is mainly complete as all shots have been ordered “there are still final tweaks” which may still be needed to complete our music video (which were done today after this video had been recorded).
  • In keeping with our visual style the ‘Cartoon’ and ‘Hard Light’ effects have been continually used on the shots, showing that throughout our music video these effects continue to enhance the Red and Blue colour scheme.
  • Finally it was mentioned within the end of the video that our music video still had to be rendered (which was also done after this video was recorded today) so it could be exported in the correct format and then uploaded to YouTube, as will be seen in the next post.

To conclude, this second and final editing process video shows that we have finished editing and additionally gives details which expand upon point made within previous posts on editing, whilst giving details into how our editing from that previous point until now has  been done. And additionally there is detail into how we have sustained the visual style through our creative choices, meaning that there is continuity throughout our music video.

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