Locations: Drama Studio

Our first choice of locations for filming our music video is the Drama Studio within our school, Arthur Mellows Village College, Room: P1. We have chosen this specific location due to the access to a large studio space which we can personalize for filming. Additionally the presence of lighting equipment within this room allows us to creatively choose and stylise our lighting during filming. We also wish to film in low lighting to create a contrast to other shots which we may film in outside locations. The filming within this drama studio will be mainly lip syncing and disjuncture elements of our video. Lip syncing within this space we believe would be more successful as with the speakers present in the room we could also play our chosen song ‘Ain’t No Rest For The Wicked’ whilst filming to ensure correct lip syncing.

drama studiooooo

Here is an image of the drama studio in its original conditions, showing to the right the lighting rig and in the centre the gauze and stage blocks

“Pros and Cons” for the drama studio:


  • Large Studio Space to work and film within
  • Lighting rig which can be altered and personalised to fit our lighting requirements (including swappable coloured gels which we can experiment with to stylise the lighting and vary the colours and intensity)
  • Additional props and set such as stage blocks and a gauze etc. could be useful within filming if we wish to utilise these objects which are already present within the space. Meaning that these extra props are conveniently available to our filming process.
  • Other studio spaces within the school, e.g. The Auditorium and an additional drama room: P7 did not have as an adaptable lighting rig with the variety of colours that we intend to use during filming. Meaning the Drama Studio was a clear choice above these other locations.


  • The availability of the space changes due to class schedules and additional required uses of the space, such as extra circular activities which take place within the studio, meaning this could potentially limit our filming time.
  • Filming within low lighting means that the ‘house lights’ of the studio will be turned off therefore that it could be potentially dangerous to film, meaning we will have to take steps to prevent issues. (More on potential dangers will be explain within the risk assessment, which will be featured in a future post)

To conclude, this chosen location, the Drama Studio, will most likely be featured within our music video, providing we gain access to the space for long enough to gain a reasonable amount of footage, meaning we would potentially only have to film once within the space, maximising our time for filming. Additionally the creative freedom given to us through the lighting rig means that we can adapt and experiment with the lighting during filming to create interesting and visually engaging footage for our audience.

Further details on the use of this location will be shown within a filming schedule which we intend to create to structure our filming process. This will be seen in future posts!


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