Album Art Design: 4 Panels Preliminary Ideas

Below is an image showing the preliminary designs for our album artwork, showing all 4 panels of our initial designs. The image below shows merely sketches of our initial ideas, these are not necessarily the final design ideas for our album artwork. However these are our current designs which may still be subject to change.

album art design 4 panels

An image showing collectively the 4 panels of our preliminary artwork design

Additionally here Is a PowerPoint presentation illustrating in detail all of the 4 panels individually, showing our ideas towards these designs and showing how we intend to incorporate ideas of the 7 deadly sins within our album artwork as part of our digi-pak. The images shown above and in the PowerPoint below show the front cover of our protagonist In handcuffs, the back cover showing a grave stone entitled ‘wicked’. As well as details on the two inside panels showing the 7 deadly sins and giving insight into how the two images run across both the left and right inside panel.

Further details are shown below:

To conclude, although sketches shown above are only preliminary designs we are also experimenting with the idea of studio shots to control and stylize the lighting in shots such as the front cover design with the protagonist in handcuffs. Although we still need to plan further to see if studio shots will work with our other ideas, as it is essential that our ideas and designs are unified. Therefore there will be further posts showing our experimentation with a variety of images to finalise our ideas.
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