Story Board Draft and ‘Time Line’ Planning

In order to plan our music video we had to create a story board planning the shots we wish to include to create an overall idea of the structure before we begin the filming process. This is a significant part of our planning as this takes our creative ideas and visually arranges them to structure our music video and give us further ideas about costumes, characters and locations for filming. All of which will be included in future posts.

To aid the creation of our story board, as a group we decided to first create a ‘timeline’ by listening to our chosen song ‘Ain’t No Rest For The Wicked’ and writing down at certain points what ideas we had for verses, chorus’ and the introduction of different characters. This process helped us plan and structure our ideas in time with the music so that we had an initial idea towards what would be happening within our music video at certain points.

Below is an image of the ‘timeline’ showing the notes we made around the different times within the song, from start to end.


The annotations around this ‘timeline’ give details on the shots and creative choices for events within the three chorus’ and verses. This includes the introduction of the three characters described within the song as (in order) ‘Pretty Little Thing’, ‘Man Crept Out of Sight’ and ‘Preacher Man in Cuffs’.

The annotations also show ideas of points within the song that costume changes will occur, ideas for the bridge and the introduction. As well as illustrations showing chances for lip syncing, all of these creative ideas which we had to loosely structure before creating a story board so that we had a starting point to structure our ideas from.

Below is a PowerPoint presentation showing shot by shot, the first draft of our story board:
The ideas presented within this preliminary story board have allowed us to collate our creative ideas and structure them so that visually we have an outline of what our music video contain. Through planning roughly the majority of shots within this story board we are able to look towards filming and make further progress with the creation of our music video, now that we have planned the introduction of characters and have begun thinking about details such as costume changes for the protagonist. Which will be featured within further blog posts once planning has progressed.

Ultimately despite these ideas being drafts the use of a ‘timeline’ and preliminary story board help us visualise our ideas, meaning we are one step closer to filming and creating our final piece. Thus showing the importance of planning to ensure that we film the correct shots for the correct section of the song. Additionally this collective group planning allows all three members of our group to collate our ideas, allowing us to constructively plan towards our filming process.

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